Morning View Mennonite Church

June 2, 2019

10116 Morning View Road
Singers Glen, VA 22850
Phone No. 540-833-6515
Conference Call Line 540-908-4103

Pastors: Ric Gullman & Raleigh Rhodes
Deacons: Philip Borntrager & Steve Slabaugh
Sunday School Superintendents: Casey Cantrell & Cecil Sonifrank

Attendance last Sunday: 100
Offering last Sunday morning: $1,291

Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Separate Adult: Hosea 4:1-13

Mixed Adult: 2 Corinthians 5

Worship Service: 10:20 a.m.

Sermon: Go Therefore Into All Nations (Ethos), By Raleigh Rhodes

Scripture: Matthew 28:19


Tonight - 5:30pm Picnic at Mom's Hill. Grilled hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided. Eating supplies will be provided. Bring a dish and drink. Bring lawnchairs

Wednesday - 7:00pm Prayer & Bible Study

June 16-21 - Vacation Bible School. Please contact Hans or Carla Byler if you would be willing to help.

June 21 - Bible School picnic and program

Dwight Heatwole would like to express his appreciation to those who sent flowers and to everyone for their prayers.

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