Morning View Mennonite Church

August 5, 2018

10116 Morning View Road
Singers Glen, VA 22850
Phone No. 540-833-6515
Conference Call Line 540-908-4103

Pastors: Ric Gullman & Raleigh Rhodes
Deacons: Philip Borntrager & Steve Slabaugh
Sunday School Superintendents: Marcus Histand & Cecil Sonifrank

Attendance last Sunday: ??
Offering last Sunday morning: ??

Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Separate Adult: Matthew 5:1-16

Mixed Adult: Hebrews 5

Worship Service: 10:20 a.m.

Sermon: Ric Gullman

Scripture: Selected


Today - Baptism and fellowship meal at the Heritage Park in Broadway following the morning service at church

Wednesday - 7:00pm Prayer & Bible study

Aug 25 - Pulled pork BBQ tickets are now available. $3.00 per sandwich. Cash or check made out to Morning View Mennonite Church - Tag/Missions Fund.

Announcement from Everence: Congregational members with children and grandchildren are invited to Youth Savings Week (August 6-10) at Everence Federal Credit Union to explore The Science of Saving! Activities will include science experiments, games and treats all week long. Our youth savings account interest rate is increasing to 4.00% APY! Plus, during this week, we will give $5 to youths who deposit $15 to their new or existing youth savings accounts.

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